Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Cluttering up the City...

Saturday's craft fair at Clutter City was grand - we didn't realise quite how much stuff we had made til we tried to fit it all on our tiny table...

Lots of friends popped in to see us so we had a lovely day chatting and selling - the addition of an 8 week old to our staff wasn't the best of plans as demanded food whilst setting up and cuddles whilst packing away!

...after the frantic preparations it now feels very strange to sit down and relax whilst eating meals, have time to clean, wash, cook, breathe...but mind working already on what to do for the next stall and plans afoot to find more places we can try to sell at...


Caroline said...

did you really put that post on at 3:28am????????????? xx

Polka.Button said...

Just a little 'Hi' from a fellow clutter city stall holder! I finally got around to going through all the business cards I picked up and looking at all the pretty blogs and stuff!