Thursday, February 09, 2006

OCA course

NOTE - I set this blog up years ago, forgot about it, remembered it, couldn't log in but strangely today it is linked to my other blogs - hurray.  Basically this first post has been written on 02/06/2010 not in 2006!

I'm working towards an art degree with the Open College of the Arts.  This is distance learning so some think an unusual way to do an art course but works for me.  I did my degree (Social Sciences) with Open University and I prefer the flexibility allowed by working in my own time and at my own pace e.g very quickly some weeks and very slowly others. 

I have nearly finished the Foundation Art and Design course, just a few bits of sculpture and then the textiles option to go.  This course is non accredited so won't count towards my degree but has been really useful for me as prior to July 2009 I hadn't done any art (apart from my own crafty bits) since school so it has got me back into the swing of things.

Through my tutor I have met two other OCA students who are fairly local and we have met up for a couple of sketching and painting days, been to a masterclass with a Chinese artist and are taking part in a life drawing day next weekend. 

I have statrted my degree with an Introduction to Western Art - so much more theoretical than practical.  I decided to do this as wanted to have more background knowledge, practice annotating images and feel more able to describe and talk about art with some base of knowledge.

I am loving the course and finding out so much about architecture, art history and techniques.  I have made my learning log as a blog

At the moment I am thinking I will choose printing and textiles to continue my degree but some exiting new courses have been developed in illustration and graphic design, both of which I am interested in.  However these are only offered at level 1 currently so will have to wait and see before making any decisions.  I could always come back and have a go at these courses in the distant future when my degree is finished....