Friday, July 29, 2011

7 things about me another 512 years later I'm back with a post.  Well done granplumley for nominating me for the versatile blogger award (although I think it was just an attempt to get me to actually post something!)

I need to reveal 7 things about myself and then pass it on - here goes

Number 1 - I love lists  which is why I couldn't turn down the opportunity to make one here!  I am a bit obsessive about it and will type them up, put them in a spreadsheet, make a new neat version, write things on just so I can cross them off.  At work the people sitting next to me chant "listy listy" at me as I get out the pen and paper

Number 2 - I'm rubbish with left and right  I know which is my left hand and which is my right without having to think about it (too much) but am stumped otherwise.  If I'm asked for directions it is rather embarrassing to have to admit my deficiency,  I can't get my child's shoes on the right feet and  have no idea what you mean when you say the door on the left! Who's left mine or yours or the object in question???

Number 3 - Slip Road Terror I hate them. I will drive out of my way to avoid them. I do not like driving when coming off them. I do not like being a passenger when coming off them.  I do not like needing to changes lanes to let others off them.  They make me sweat and my heart rate rise.  I know it is ridiculous - good job I live in Norfolk land of no motorways!

Number 4 - Obsessive Reader  I always have at least one book on the go and often more.  For 3 years I wrote a list of every book I read - I have no idea why but once I started I found it difficult to stop!  I averaged 100 a year.  I very often re-read a book as I buy it not realising I've already read it or because I loved it the first time and have forgotten it enough.  I have a few books that I read every few years.  However I can't remember what happened pretty much as soon as I put it down and hate to talk about them - hence the reason I only do a book group where you don't have to talk about the book and can just drink alcobooze!

Number 5 - I don't want to talk about it  I don't know why but I feel really awkward about discussing a film/gig/show/play on the way out when there are other audience members about.  They aren't  listening to me and they don't care what I think but I would rather wait to offer my opinion thanks!

Number 6 - Bad accents I have a horrible habit which I don't seem to have any control over of taking on a bit of the person I am talking with's accent.  I think it comes from having a nicely spoken mum, a London dad and going to primary school with strong Norfolk accented people who took the mickey as I was different.  I notice it most when I switch between quite posh with some people and quite Norfolk with others but I think it extends across the country/world of accents!  I'm not good at them either so probably sound ridiculous - also not sure how much of it is in my head and how much comes out my mouth.  Sorry!

Number 7 - Split Personality  I am a clean person in a dirty persons body, a messy person in a tidy persons body.  I sometimes wish for a little bit of OCD so I could just keep the house nice!  (or an extra 5 or so hours a day for cleaning and blog updating purposes)

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